This change will take a effect Sunday, March 20th 2016 at 11:00PM EST
As part of some new feature development, we have standardized the System Email Addresses you use to log data in OS using email.
This email format change will effect the following email-to-OS feature:
- Email NOTES to Contact Profile
- Email Good News to the Company Front Page
- Track sent email ACTIVITY under a Contact’s Communication Log
The new email address formats are provided below.
Contact NOTES
Your updated Contact NOTE email address can be found in the Contact Profile.
New format: [contactID]_[companyID]
For example:
Checkout the Notes Email address article for more information.
Front Page News
Your Front Page News email addresses will keep a similar format, where the widget type is specified as the prefix.
New format: [widget]_[companyID]
For example, posting to Good News:
Checkout the Email Good News to Front Page article for more information.
Email Logger
Your updated Email Logger address will be provided by your system administrator.
New format: email_[companyID]
For example:
Checkout the Email Logger article for more information