Feature List
Address Book
- Contact management
- Contact search and custom views
- Contact import/export wizard
- Communication tracking
- Sales Process tracking
- Email notes and documents to contact file
- Personal and shared calendar management
- Day, week, month and agenda view
- Event notifications
- GSuite or Office 365 calendar integration
Resource Library
- File and folder management
- File sharing and permission management
- Internal team and client file sharing
- Download statistics
- Basic campaign and target list management
- Custom campaign types
- Dashboard for campaign and budget statistics
- Lead generation tracking
- Third party marketing tool integration*
Sales & CRM
- Custom Sales Process
- Multiple Sales Process management
- Dashboard for sales and CRM analytics and reporting
- Third party order and invoice integration*
Productivity & My Dashboard
- To-Do and activity management and tracking
- Custom client lists and tags
- Group activity logging
- Email signature and personal templates
- GSuite or Office 365 account and email integration
Team Communication
- Company front page with mission, vision and value statement
- Good News forum(s) with team notification system
- Custom RSS feed display for top client news, industry news, etc.
- Further Dashboard customizations (social media feed, videos, etc.)
Client Engagement eWindow
- Two-way multimedia communication
- File sharing
- Client profile photo and email notification management
- Access logs
Meetings/Video Conference
- Meeting archive management
- Company calendar events view
- Zoom.us integration for video conference capability**
Learning Center/HR
- Basic internal course management
- Course registration and grading
- Skills and awards/certification tracking
- Team directory
- Help centre and company resources
- Program management (public and in-house)
- Program search and custom views
- Program scheduling, integrated with company calendar
- Participant rosters and waitlist
- Custom product and programs
- Custom program locations
- Program reminders
- Class email list
- Participant registration history
- Contract/enrolment form printing
- Registration confirmation email template
- Supervisor association
- Registration history report
Guests and Makeups
- Guest registration history
- Short-term make-up registration
- Guest-to-contact conversion
- Guest and make-up session attendance
- Registration confirmation email template
Attendance & Awards
- Participant, guest, make-up, coaching assistant and trainer attendance
- Award assignment by session
- Class graduation
- Award recognition printing
- Name tag and diploma name export
- iOS attendance app***
Alternate Revenue
- Alternate revenue management
- Custom revenue items (E.g. workshops, etc.)
- License fee reporting option
Program Analytics
- Enrolments & sales by representative or product
- Upcoming program status
- Program schedule
- VOC and NPS scores
- and more!
- Registration & remittance reports
- Collections and cash control sheets
- Outstanding balance reports
- Class folders and graduation rosters
- Coach recognition and instructor certification reports
- and more!
*Add-on feature
**Pro Zoom.us account required
***iOS app for trainer use only