
Calendar Agenda

Your Calendar’s Agenda view can provide you with your day’s schedule, combining your Calendar Appointments and To Do’s in one easy-to-read list. View your Agenda Go to your Calendar  Next to the search bar, select Agenda Click the arrows to navigate your agenda by Day.

My Day Calendar

Your Day Calendar widget integrates with your personal and shared Google Calendars, allowing you to get you’re full day’s agenda in one widget. Your primary calendar displayed by default. You can select to view more calendars by hover over the Calendar and checking off the one you would like to view. The arrows beside the […]

Calendar Appointments/Events

Manage your appointments with clients and other calendar events from your OS. The calendars in OS are synced with your Google Calendars, so any events created here will appear in your Google Calendar. If you have setup Google Apps calendar on your mobile device, then they will also be synced with your mobile device’s calendar. […]