Take Attendance for a session during a class and eliminate double entry…all that’s required is an internet connection!

Class Attendance List

Access your attendance list from several places; choose the one that’s most convenient at the time:
Option 1: Go to Programs and click Attendance

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Option 2: Click on the Program Profile, go to the Attendance & Awards tab and click Take Attendance

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Option 3: Alternatively, If you are the Manager or Instructor, go to Programs Dashboard and choose your class in the My Programs widget

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Take Attendance

From the attendance dialog, mark your participants, GLs, guests and makeups as Present or Absent.
Present: Attended the session
Absent: Did not attend the session
Makeup: This state is for when a participant has made up this session in another class.

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Absent and Award Notifications

Send Absent Notifications to Sales Reps: If a Participant is absent for a session, the responsible Sales rep will receive an email notification of the participant’s absence, as well as a To Do for that client requesting a follow-up.

Send Award Notifications to Sales Reps: If a Participant wins an award for a session, the responsible Sales rep will receive an email notification of the participant’s achievement, as well as a To Do for that client requesting a follow-up.
See Participant Awards