The following reports, and more, are readily available from Program or Financial Dashboard:

Enrollment Report

A list of new registrations, including Company and Supervisor details, based on Program, Area, Sales Rep Date Range.
Note: This report can be used to import Participant information into CB.

Program Roster

A sheet that provides all the Program details, Trainer, Coaching Assistant and Participant information required to start a class. When a Class has graduated, see the Graduation % and Graduated status of all Participants.

Note: The Program Roster report will list only active participants, or those exited after the report date (first LF report date after the program’s S1 date).

Class Folder

The detailed status of a class in one report, including:

  • Class start/end date & Instructor
  • Participants (both active and dropped or cancelled)
  • Related Company and Sales Rep.
  • Short Term Makeups
  • Payment details (Payments, Cancels, Refunds and Balance)
  • Attendance (missed sessions)
  • Awards
  • Total $ for the class

Active Report : Will list only active participants, or those exited after the report date (first LF report date after the program’s S1 date).

Full Report: Will list ALL participants, even those existed before the report date.

Session Report

A report on scheduled sessions for a specific time period. This report can be used in program planning and costing.

Programs Scheduled

A summary of scheduled Programs, including collected and outstanding amounts, based on Date, Area or Trainer.

Collections Report

A financial report of payments or refunds posted for participant registrations, organization programs or alternate revenue. This report can be filtered Program, Sales representative or date range; Grouped by Sales Representative.

Cash Control Report

A financial report of payments or refunds posted for participant registrations, organization programs or alternate revenue. This report can be filtered Area and Program; Grouped by Payment Type.

Outstanding Balance

A list of outstanding balances from participant registrations, organization programs or alternate revenue, based on Area, Program, Sales representative or Invoice date range.

Graduate Report

A list of past enrollees based on Area, Location, Program, Sales representative, Exit Type or Graduation/Exit date range.

Coach Recognition Report

A list of Coaching Assistants and related Programs they’ve taken part in as a Coach.  The report can be filtered by Product Group, Area, Graduation date and Sales Rep.

Instructor Certification Report

A list of Instructors and their related Programs, including S1, Grad Date, Participants, Graduation Rate and Survey Results.   The report can be filtered by S1 Date Range, Product, Instructor and Instructor Status.

Programs by Instructor Report

A list of Instructors and their certifications (and recertification) for managed curriculums.   The report can be filtered by Skill Category (Product Certification Group), Trainer and Status

NEW Program Status Report

A list of Programs and summary of their current status, including number of participants, graduation rate total price, collected and overdue.   The report can be filtered by S1 Date, Grad Date, Trainer and Product.

NEW Participant Registration Report

This report generates a summary of an individual participant’s registrations history, including program enrolment and attendance,  short term makeup sessions, guest attendance and coaching assignment.  This report is available from the individual Participant’s Registration tab, or from the Programs>Reports>Participant Registration.

Program Activity Report

Similar to your Recent Communication by Contact Report (CRM), this report provides you with a list of recorded activities & interactions with participants, grouped by Program and filtered by the author: Trainer, Sales Representative, Program Manager, etc.


License Fee Reports: Registration and Remittance Reports

The reports required for monthly license fee submission. More on LF Reports